The Skepticule Extra Podcast #23 is out now.
Skepticule Extra shownotes for episode 023 20120325
This is the twenty-third episode of Skepticule Extra (or the paultrio podcast).
Paul Baird
Patient and Persistent
Paul Thompson ("Sinbad")
The Skeptical Probe
Paul S. Jenkins
Notes from an Evil Burnee
- Dembski & Licona — Evidence for God
- Justin Brierley's confession
- Is there a Signature in the Cell? — YouTube
- Centre for Intelligent Design Conference
- Stephen C. Meyer
- Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
- Mount Rushmore
- Badlands Guardian face
- Face on Mars
- Pareidolia
- Jacques Monod
- Giraffe laryngeal nerve
- Signature of Controversy — free digital download (registration required)
- Fergus Gallagher
- Unbelievable? discussion forum
- Milton Keynes Skeptics in the Pub
- Don Hawthorne
- JREF Million Dollar Challenge
- IIG $50,000 Paranormal Challenge
- Live Million Dollar Challenge at TAM 7
- The Big Questions: Is Morality possible without religion? — BBC1
- Stephen Law
- William Lane Craig vs Stephen Law debate — audio on YouTube
- Sye Ten Bruggencate
- Philosophy and mirrors
- Zeno's paradox
- Peter Cave
- Penn's Sunday School — podcast
- God, No! — Penn Jillette
- CNN: Piers Morgan interviews Penn Jillette — YouTube
- Unbelievable? on Facebook
- Chris Bolt, Young Earth Creationist
- Answers in Genesis — Statement of Faith
- Believing Bullshit — Stephen Law
- Carl Sagan: "A fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage."
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Skepticule Extra is a production of Willowsoft Communications
Skepticule Extra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
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