A Fascist God

A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

The American Heritage® Dictionary 

Here's a breakdown of the definition of Fascism in terms of the Judeo/Christian God.

A System of Government

God is allegedly in charge and created the system we live in. He is the Boss, the Governor. His rule is the Ultimate Government.

...marked by centralization of authority

God is the single, centralised ruler. He does not share power or control with anyone. Power is centralised with God alone.

...under a dictator

God dictates what the Laws are, he does not negotiate or compromise, He knows what is perfect and absolute and dictated that law to us.

...stringent socioeconomic controls

The Bible contains many rules and regulations governing social and economic transactions. Violations of socio-economic rules often lead to summary execution.

...suppression of the opposition through terror

God tells his people to massacre and burn anyone who evangelises different gods. Whole Cities must be burned and the people killed if they do not bow down and glorify God. Genocide is a perfectly acceptable method to eliminate undesirables.

...and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

Gods chosen people. The promised Land. The Jews were instructed to kill many other tribes, races and people who occupied land that the Jews took by force. The Jews were superior to all other races and could take whatever they wanted from inferior races.

It's clear that the Judeo/Christian God perfectly fits the definition of a Fascist Dictator. God's rule is NOT a democracy. 

Is Gods Law determined by a democratic process or is it dictated to us by God? 
Do you honestly think Christians could get together and Vote out some of Gods Laws..... Do you think God would change his laws if the majority of Christians didn't approve.

.... What am I saying.... This is EXACTLY what Christians HAVE done.


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